On a Quest for Story

IMG_0006_2 “Always leave with stories.” Anonymous

I hold the written word in and of a sacred place. Words have the power to move us in ways that run the garment of emotions. They transport us to places and spaces where we experience our own memories and/or enter those of others.


From my earliest memories I’ve read. Voraciously.

One of my most vivid memories is of my mother going toe-to-toe with my (our) 2nd (?) maybe 3rd grade teacher and our library privileges. The topic? How many books we could check out, what topics and level  we could read. Mom won.


If I’m not outdoors, working or traveling  I can be found tucked up and in with a book. Taking armchair journeys to far off places, solving mysteries, connecting the dots of thrillers or venturing into people’s lives via biographies, memoirs or history. Business books that combine sociology, technology, community and communication, handmade + craft also enter the picture as have those on self-journey, art and just about anything that catches my fancy.


I love listening to and crafting client stories.


As a writer I believe it’s critical to read and write.

To stay curious.

To listen to how others tell stories. To grow in story. But most importantly?

To leave  stories.


What stories do you want to leave behind?

Love, L


IMG_9674“Do whatever it takes to convey your essential self.” Martha Beck

Wet droplets hang in the air, heavy with thick moisture. Creating a foggy quiet that stretches to unseen and unheard infinity. The rasp of wool and spandex in the dawn. Loping strides, the cadence of shoes hitting asphalt. Step after step. Mile after mile. It’s in these rhythms that stillness of mind happens. It’s a sacred space of wordlessness and grace.

To just be.

Do you have a space like that?
