[Letters to Self] Gratitude


“The real gift of gratitude is that the more you are grateful for, the more present you become.”  Robert Holden

Dear S,

Short, short letter this week. A note really.

I spent the weekend with my girls in Seattle. Love that time. Captured an extra hour of sleep. Bless the time change. I needed it.

Had lots of drive time. Caught up with a girlfriend on the east coast. What a lovely talk. What a lovely friend. Parallel lives. Till next time.

Did some thinking. Karma. Friendship. Work. Creativity. Process. Relationships. Heady stuff.

Thought about what happens when stories emerge from these words, experiences, emotions. A mixed bag those conversations. Especially the ones we tell to self. Joyful. Fulfilling. Hard. Caught myself in more than one one-way conversation. That’s not to say that they aren’t healthy. I talk to myself. More than I care to admit actually. I work through, process in those conversations. The catch? To not stay there. Be open. Engage. See the world through multiple lenses. Work to not orchestrate the outcome. I can’t be the only one that does this? No, I don’t think so.

I remind myself that all points of view, emotions, words have value. Merritt. To have a care with them. For and with others, but not lose self. When it gets to be overwhelming?

Breath in. Breath out. Breath in. Breath out. Consciously work to be with Gratitude. Repeat.

Found myself in a creative spot this weekend. Wished I could have spent more hours playing with color, texture and numbers. I took photos of things that inspired me. (Who am I kidding, I take photos of everything). Lots of quick sketches. Notes jotted down to capture my creative streak so I can come back to them. Being creative – whether with words, paints, fabric, etc. – is a discipline and work. Love that.

I’m off. Onto the bike, then to work.
